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Audyssey's Geom album

OUT TODAY!!!! Audyssey's Geom album....

‘Geom’ is a sonic adventure enlightened by perception and

immersion in consciousness.


Audio - sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced.

Odyssey - a long wandering or voyage.

Geo- earth.

Om - a sacred sound considered by many ancient philosophical texts to be the

sound of the universe.


Audyssey (Gavin Lawson) has been on a voyage for the last 30 years exploring

the realms of sonic architecture in the digital realm. As a qualified practitioner in

psychotherapy, mindfulness and meditation Gavin has been supporting clients with stress related conditions in the creative sector.


‘Geom’ combines isochronioc tones, Gregorian modes

and max for live plugins within Ableton Live to create a body of work that

represents humanities connection to technology, the earth and mind.

Audyssey has developed a new methodology in electronic music and brain

optimisation with the Roxiva RX1 connected to Ableton Live, Audeze LCD-X

headphones and the Subpac to create experiences that produce altered states

of consciousness with sound and light.


“I subscribe to the eloquence of Plato’s moral law ‘wings to the mind, flight to

the imagination’ a gestalt if you may when one feels complete in the

frequencies and tones of musical composition and creativity as a whole”.

@epmmusic @audysseyave 

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